Sunday, October 29, 2006

the secret link of gog and magog

Who are knight templars ?

he Knights Templar, or Templars, were a military and religious order founded in Jerusalem during the Crusades. The founders of the order were
Hugh de Payns and Geoffrey de Saint-Omer, French knights who in 1118 established a religious community on the ancient site of the Temple of King Solomon [hence 'Templars'] in Jerusalem, which was dedicated to protecting Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land.

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, head of the Cistercian order of monks, drew up the order's rules, but in 1128 Pope Honorious II officialy recognised the Templars as a separate order, conferring on them an unprecedented degree of autonomy: they were responsible only to the Pope and not to secular rulers, and were exempt from local taxes and judicial authority.The Templars were divided into knights, chaplains, sergeants and craftsmen, and were organised under a Grand Master and General Council. Wearing a white cloak with a red eight-pointed cross on the left shoulder, they attracted many nobles and soon became an expert military force whose bravery in the field was unquestion-able, and also became a powerful and wealthy order, with branches throughout Europe.
The Templars' seal showed two knights on one horse [see left], the idea being that the first Grand Master of the order was so poor that he had to share a horse with one of his followers, but after the fall of Acre in 1291, when the Crusading forces were driven out of Palestine [modern Israel], the Templars' main activity became money-lending,and their enormous land-holdings and financial strength aroused great hostility.

It was rumoured that the Templars had abandoned Christianity, but this was probably a ruse designed to bring about their downfall and gain access to the order's incredible wealth. Indeed, in 1307 Philip IV of France, himself heavily in debt to the order, charged the Templars with heresy and immorality. They were arrested and put on trial, and confessions were extracted by torture. Similar attacks were mounted against the order in Spain and England, and Pope Clement V, after initially opposing the trials, suppressed the the Knights Templar by Papal Bull at the Council of Vienne in 1312.
When the Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, and other leaders of the Templars retracted their forced confessions and declared their innocence and the innocence of their order, Philip IV had them burned at the stake in Paris in 1314. The Templars' holdings were dispersed, some going to the Knights Hospitallers, including those at Baldock, and some to secular rulers, although Philip received none.

hi Yah people !

Yah'shuah is the Yah of all people, all races, all men, without hate for others. Hate is the feeling of the evil seeds , You will find hate thru : black panthers, white power bands or party and so all such as :www.,, or davidduke, or kkk, nazi parties in Europe countries, islamic band killers, or islamic hate preachers, or false jews or mason haters...
Do know that pride is the identity of evil seeds : sons of satan Genesis 6:1-5 " ¶ And after a time, when men were increasing on the earth, and had daughters,2 The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took wives for themselves from those who were pleasing to them.3 ¶ And the Lord said, My spirit will not be in man for ever, for he is only flesh; so the days of his life will be a hundred and twenty years.4 ¶ There were men of great strength and size on the earth in those days; and after that, when the sons of God had connection with the daughters of men, they gave birth to children: these were the great men of old days, the men of great name.5 And the Lord saw that the sin of man was great on the earth, and that all the thoughts of his heart were evil.6 ¶ And the Lord had sorrow because he had made man on the earth, and grief was in his hear"The question is how shall i recognize evil seed are you ?you will recognize evil seed by their deeds : pride, hate, hypocrasy, hate for women, sexaddiction for kids, sex toys, zoosex, homosexuality, lesbians, bisexual..., Read the second book of Timothy 3, or Roman : 1,all above hate for Yah'shuah and his chosen people ...But do know that Yah'shuah loves all evil seeds as he loves you that why you must love them, pray for them, don't hate them read the 1 john: "He who says that he is in the light, and has hate in his heart for his brother, is still in the dark" Yah is love, The devil is hate Allélou Yah !The evil seeds have one choice to do whether they keep on living with their father Satan or they choose Yah'shuah and became good seeds, as it is written in the book of John 3 :"For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life.17 God did not send his Son into the world to be judge of the world; he sent him so that the world might have salvation through him.18 The man who has faith in him does not come up to be judged; but he who has no faith in him has been judged even now, because he has no faith in the name of the only Son of God.19 And this is the test by which men are judged: the light has come into the world and men have more love for the dark than for the light, because their acts are evil.20 The light is hated by everyone whose acts are evil and he does not come to the light for fear that his acts will be seen.21 But he whose life is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his acts have been done by the help of Yah" Allélou'Yah !Our world is split as written in the book of Matthew 13 :"nd he gave them another story, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like a man who put good seed in his field:25 But while men were sleeping, one who had hate for him came and put evil seeds among the grain, and went away.26 But when the green stem came up and gave fruit, the evil plants were seen at the same time.27 And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, Sir, did you not put good seed in your field? how then has it evil plants?28 And he said, Someone has done this in hate. And the servants say to him, Is it your pleasure that we go and take them up?29 But he says, No, for fear that by chance while you take up the evil plants, you may be rooting up the grain with them.30 Let them come up together till the getting in of the grain; and then I will say to the workers, Take up first the evil plants, and put them together for burning: but put the grain into my store-house."And to understand keep on reading Matthew 13:36 :"36 Then he left the multitudes, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Explain unto us the parable of the tares of the field.37 And he answered and said, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;38 and the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil one;39 and the enemy that sowed them is the devil: and the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are angels.40 As therefore the tares are gathered up and burned with fire; so shall it be in the end of the world.41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and them that do iniquity,42 and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear."Oh house of Yah'Kob negro a spread all over the world and Yah'shuah lovers. I'm who i'm your bro !Sadness is the word for those who truly beleive in the word of YAH. The sin of evil people is known as written in the second book of Timothy " But know this, that in the last days grievous times shall come.2 For men shall be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, railers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,3 without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good,4 traitors, headstrong, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God;5 holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power thereof: from these also turn away."Oh lovers of Yah' shuah, you have been spread all over the world as written, i'm a wind, my window is the Holy BIBLE which helping me to breathe" For this cause my people are taken away as prisoners into strange countries for need of knowledge: and their rulers are wasted for need of food, and their loud-voiced feasters are dry for need of water." IS : 5:13Before Isaiah your brother Moses Deuteronomy 28 : 41"You will have sons and daughters, but they will not be yours; for they will go away prisoners into a strange land."Oh house of Yah'kob, before slaves, you survived because of the phophecies, because of your fathers, because of the promeses, also because your hand was made strong by the hand of the Almighty Yah, now you became free but still slave of sins, some of you have chosen evil seeds lifestyle.Yah came as shuah became Yah'shuah (JESUS), He became human being among your fathers, some of your brothers recognized Him, but others sold him to evil seeds who killed Him but He overcame the death because death has no power on Him, now He lives among anyone who believes into Him. Remember your brother Moses warned your grandfathers Deuteuronomy 18:15 "The Lord your God will give you a prophet from among your people, like me; you will give ear to him" more Deutoronomy 18:18-19 : " I will give them a prophet from among themselves, like you, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he will say to them whatever I give him orders to say.19 And whoever does not give ear to my words which he will say in my name, will be responsible to me. "This is the cause of your curse as written in the book of Deutoronomy 28 you will read it talks about you former slaves living in USA, Europe and others countries.Because the prophet promised Yah' shuah (Jesus) came and you did not give ear to his words why you suffered the cursed of Deutoronomy 28. Yah bless you.Now you should come back to Yah' shuah your path, your truth, your life. Allélou Yah !Excuse me i don't like the word Amen because it is a Yiddish word of false jews or free mason or former templars maybe ashkenazi now living in Ysrael former country of former slaves negroes.The Bible warned you negro house of Yah' Kob about false jews read the book of Revelation 2 : 9 "I have knowledge of your troubles and how poor you are (but you have true wealth), and the evil words of those who say they are Jews, and are not, but are a Synagogue of Satan.10 Have no fear of the things which you will have to undergo: see, the Evil One will send some of you into prison, so that you may be put to the test; and you will have great trouble for ten days. Be true till death, and I will give you the crown of life."More Revelation 3:9"See, I will make those of the Synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews, and are not, but say what is false; I will make them come and give worship before your feet, and see my love for you.10 Because you have kept my word in quiet strength, I will keep you from the hour of testing which is coming on all the world, to put to the test those who are on earth.11 I come quickly: keep that which you have, so that no one may take your crown.12 Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the house of my God, and he will go out no more: and I will put on him the name of my God, and the name of the town of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my new name.13 He who has ears, let him give ear to what the Spirit says to the churches."Yah love you i don't say Yah loves you but Yah love you keep on prayin, fastin', singin' for yah, avoid rap music who don't glorify Yah.' Don't live evil seeds lifestyle otherwise you will live the fate of evil seedsYah bless you all and Yah'shuah lovers.Evil seed are hatefully destroyin' the earth, the kid's mentality, honest and weak folks, preachin' hate for men when Yah'shuah teaches love even for ennemies (Jesus camp documentary, hate bands ) They are the souls, and now they want to corrupt each of us who believe in JESUS, beware of false religions, and false JEsus preachers : Richard Butler, josef smith Jr, William Marrion Branham , David Koresh (born Vernon Wayne Howell)... they killed innocent people, because of them many of them are in jails now .

You should know that their father, the former snake is about to appear, they will know him, they will hate all of you we will refuse to follow his instructions. But he will be defeated by the Holy Yah'shuah.

The coming of the Holy almighty Yah' shuah as written in the holy BIBLE is also close. None of us kowns the time, but we have the Holy Spirit to inform us. Before, you will be taken out of the earth not to see the coming of the Evil seed' father former snake. For those who sometime are with Yah, other time with the forme snake, they will live the wost time with the reign of hate. That whynow, bro and sit, you who beleive in Yah'shuah, you ought to live out of the evil seeds way of living, don't forget as written in the book of Matthew 24 what Yah'shuah said " Don't be seduce And Jesus said to them in answer, "Take care that you are not tricked".". Alléou 'Yah, no don't be seduce : avoid nightclubs, avoid video games through internet and sex porn, hate bands, useless behaviours, avoid church which you notice are close to politicians or politics because our kingdom is not of men but of Yah, respect laws...Read the book of proverbs according to dates for example september 3 you read chapter 3, read the Holy Bible. You are the testimony through your way of living people will agree that you are with Yah'shuah.
Yah fully bless all of you !

Monday, October 23, 2006

To french house of Yah'kob, messages aux noirs de la maison de Yah'kob

Bien aimé, Guy Germain, beni soit l'Eternel Yah notre saint des saint par Yah'shouah le sauveur qui est mort et ressussité pour que nous soyons lavé tous les jours de nos peché, afin que nous soyons préparer pour le jour de Jesus-Christ que j'aime, et que j'appelle Yah'shouah Meshiah, en hebreux la langue de nos ancètres car, Bien aimé nous sommes les fils de Yah'kob, nous avons été éparpillés parmi les nations, comme l'avait prophetisés nos frères les prophetes. Notre heritage a été dilapidé et notre histoire est devenu celle de l'ivraie, un plan secret mise en place par les fils de l'ivraie pour faire de la vérite un monsonge et le monde continue à croire au monsonge. Souviens toi que le pere du mensonge est le serpent ancient. Mais le mystère des alliances a fait naître deux maison d'Abraham, celle de la chair et celle de la foi.Celle de la chair sont ceux qui ont été éparpillés parmi les nations, les ancients esclaves, et celle de la foi est celle qui naissent de la nouvelle naissance pour prendre part à notre heritage commun que Yah nous a promis.
Aujourd'hui est un jour difficile, car je vis des moments dures, je ne peux m'empêcher de penser à tous les frères qui continuent à prier nuits et jours pour que notre foi soit toujours intact, moi aussi je pris pour vous tous, pour toi et ta famille, et pour Loulou, que Yah 'shouah vous aide toujours.


Bien aimé, je voudrais d'abord te parler de l'Egypte, un voisin proche de l'ancienne maison de Yah'kob, mais qui furent -ils, de quelle race furent-ils. Selon de nombreux historiens anciens, les egyptiens furent des noirs ä l'instard de Les auteurs grecs ont habituellement décrit la couleur des Égyptiens comme étant sombre, au même titre que celle des Éthiopiens.
Hérodote, historien grec (-480/-425), visita l'Égypte. En parlant d'un peuple d'Asie Mineure, il dit « Il est bien évident, en effet, que les Colchidiens sont d'origine égyptienne […]. Je l'avais conjecturé moi-même pour la raison d'abord qu'ils ont la peau noire [μελἀγχροἐς] et les cheveux crépus [οὖλδτριχες]. […] », Histoire, Livre II, 104.
D'après Hérodote, les terres au-dessous du lac Moeris sont un don du Nil [69]:

Donc pour Herodote qui a vécu avant Notre sauveur confirme, la négritude des voisin de l'anciens hébreux. Souvenons nous que Joseph a vécu en Egypte

« Les prêtres de Vulcain m'apprirent à Memphis que [...] les Égyptiens avaient inventé les premiers l'année, et qu'ils l'avaient distribuée en douze parties, d'après la connaissance qu'ils avaient des astres.[...] Ils me dirent aussi que les Égyptiens s'étaient servis les premiers des noms des douze dieux, et que les Grecs tenaient d'eux ces noms ; qu'ils avaient les premiers élevé aux dieux des autels, des statues et des temples, et qu'ils avaient les premiers gravé sur la pierre des figures d'animaux ; et ils m'apportèrent des preuves sensibles que la plupart de ces choses s'étaient passées de la sorte. Ils ajoutèrent que Ménès [Narmer] fut le premier homme qui eût régné en Égypte; que de son temps toute l'Égypte, à l'exception du nome Thébaïque, n'était qu'un marais ; qu'alors il ne paraissait rien de toutes les terres qu'on y voit aujourd'hui au-dessous du lac Moeris, quoiqu'il y ait sept jours de navigation depuis la mer jusqu'à ce lac, en remontant le fleuve. [...] Les Ioniens ont une opinion particulière sur ce qui concerne l'Égypte : ils prétendent qu'on ne doit donner ce nom qu'au seul Delta [...] En admettant cette opinion, il serait aisé de prouver que, dans les premiers temps, les Égyptiens n'avaient point de pays à eux : car le Delta était autrefois couvert par les eaux, comme ils en conviennent eux-mêmes, et comme je l'ai remarqué ; et ce n'est, pour ainsi dire, que depuis peu de temps qu'il a paru. [...] Pour moi, je ne pense pas que les Égyptiens n'ont commencé d'exister qu'avec la contrée que les Ioniens appellent Delta, mais qu'ils ont toujours existé depuis qu'il y a des hommes sur terre ; et qu'à mesure que le pays s'est agrandi par les alluvions du Nil, une partie des habitants descendit vers la basse Égypte, tandis que l'autre resta dans son ancienne demeure : aussi donnait-on autrefois le nom d'Égypte à la Thébaïde, dont la circonférence est de six mille cent vingt stades. »
Aristote, savant, philosophe grec, précepteur d'Alexandre le Grand, (-389/-322) dit : « Ceux qui sont excessivement noirs (agan melanes) sont couards, ceci s'applique aux Égyptiens et aux Éthiopiens. », Pysisionomie 6. Il dit également dans sa métaphysique que l'Égypte est le berceau des mathématiques.
Aristote un philosophe connu par ceux qui aime la gnose, la déesse sophia, la philosophie, constate aussi comme son ancètre Hérodote que les ancients egyptiens était noirs. Cher Guy Germain tu peux voir les photos dessus.
Voici quelques écrits tirés ça et là des grecs

Le Grec Héliodore écrit à propos de Chariclée, une jeune fille blanche, qui se trouve devant des Égyptiens : « De nouveau, elle leva les yeux, vit leur teint noir et leur aspect repoussant. »
Marcus Manilius déclare que « les Éthiopiens souillent le monde et représentent une race d'hommes plongés dans l'obscurité. Les habitants de l'Inde sont moins brûlés par le soleil. La terre Égyptienne, inondée par le Nil, obscurcit plus modérément les corps à cause de l'inondation de ses champs : c'est un pays plus proche du nôtre et son climat modéré produit une carnation médiane. »
Strabon, géographe (-58/+25), historien et grand voyageur dit qu'il est venu lui-même en Égypte jusqu'à la frontière avec l'Éthiopie avec son ami Aeluis Gallus préfet d'Égypte « Nous y avons vu des édifices consacrés jadis au logement des prêtres, mais ce n’est pas tout, on nous montra aussi la demeure de Platon et d’Eudoxe : car Eudoxe avait accompagné Platon jusqu’ici. Arrivés à Héliopolis, ils se fixèrent et tous deux vécurent là treize ans dans la société des prêtres (…) Ces prêtres, si profondément versés dans la connaissance des phénomènes célestes, étaient en même temps des gens mystérieux, très peu communicatifs, et ce n’est qu’à force de temps et d’adroits ménagements, qu’Eudoxe et Platon purent obtenir d’être initiés par eux à quelques-unes de leurs spéculations théoriques. Mais ces barbares en retinrent par devers eux, cachée, la meilleure part. Et si le monde leur [i. e. aux prêtres égyptiens] doit de savoir aujourd’hui combien de fractions de jours il faut ajouter aux 365 jours pleins pour avoir une année complète, les Grecs ont ignoré la durée vraie de l’année et bien d’autres faits de même nature, jusqu’à ce que des traductions en langue grecque des mémoires des prêtres égyptiens aient répandu ces notions parmi les astronomes modernes, qui ont continué jusqu’à présent à puiser largement dans cette même source comme dans les écrits et observations des Chaldéens ». Comme l'avait dit le sénégalais Cheikh Anta Diop, « Il (Strabon) confirme la thèse selon laquelle les Égyptiens et les Colches appartenaient à la même race. IL n'y a aucun doute sur l'idée que Strabon se faisait de la race des Égyptiens car il tente par ailleurs d'expliquer pourquoi les Égyptiens sont plus noirs que les hindous, ce qui permettrait d'écarter, toute tentative de confusion entre la race "hindoue" et "l'égyptienne". »
Mais que dit la Bible ?

L'étude de la Bible, des traditions juive et musulmane conservent la mémoire de la descendance de Cham, ancêtre biblique des Noirs : en particulier Kush (Kouch) et Misraïm (l'Égypte)
Psaume 105:23 (Louis Segond)
Louis Segond (LSG)
23Alors Israël vint en Égypte, Et Jacob séjourna dans le pays de Cham . Il y'a d'autres chapitre de la Bible qui disent que l'Egypte est le pays de Cham Psaume 78:51; 23:27;106,22, les tentes ou le pays de Cham désigne l'Egypte.